Agrotorf – FZCO
Agrotorf is a wholesale and retail company selling video games, technology and consumer goods. We represent the international standard with our sales department, we cooperate directly with stores in several countries, our unbeatable prices and our huge range. We have direct contracts with leading manufacturers in the world. In addition to video games, computers and laptops, game consoles and related accessories, our offer also includes a wide selection of board games, smartphones, drones, small household appliances and goods. The satisfaction of our customers is extremely important to us!
Agrotorf – FZCO
The well-established logistics infrastructure of our Company offers the shortest delivery time for products to customers' facilities throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The Agrotorf company is a stable, client-oriented, geographically distributed company. Our partners today cover such cities as Budapest, Sofia, Berlin, Bucharest. The company is actively growing and expanding, trying to cover as many regions as possible to provide a full list of its services as a full-cycle electronics seller.
Agrotorf – FZCO
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Company year foundation
Implementation of the sales plan
First international contracts in Europe
Expanding cooperation with partners in the Middle East
Investments in companies in the UAE
Geography of presence
The well-established logistics infrastructure of our Company offers the shortest delivery times for products to customer sites throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Agrotorf is a stable, client-oriented, geographically distributed company. Our partners today cover such cities as Budapest, Sofia, Berlin, Bucharest. The company is actively growing and expanding, trying to cover as many regions as possible, to provide a full range of its services as a full-cycle electronics seller.
Dear partners, we invite you to cooperate!
Our company was founded in 2021 in Dubai. The main direction of work was wholesale deliveries in Dubai. We developed gradually, covering niche after niche. We started with computer equipment and servers, then added wholesale smartphones from brands such as Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Oppo. Later, we added a line of gadgets and accessories to mobile phones and tablets, sold phones and accessories in bulk, opened points of sale in Dubai and the free zone. The team consists of young and ambitious people, true professionals in their field, who help in the supply of goods. We strive to develop and grow, so we are constantly learning. Our team is waiting for you if you are passionate about sales and share our values.
We will be glad to have a productive cooperation
We will be glad to have a productive cooperation
Become a partner
Investing in the future
"We live in a constantly changing world, and in business, the ability to change is the basis of survival." Buck Rogers.

One of the most important success factors for us is the staff of qualified specialists. We are of the opinion that the main value of any company is personnel. That is why we strive to preserve and increase the staff of specialists who went through the crisis of 08−09 with us, was with us in the moments of our triumphs and failures. Our company does not stand still, and constant development requires the involvement of new people in a friendly team. And this makes us happy! We are always glad to those who are professionals in their field, who are determined to work and achieve results, who are not afraid to experiment, keep up with the times, learn new things, and develop. For this reason, the doors of our company are always open! Welcome colleagues, let’s grow, develop and earn money together!
Staff today
Staff today
staff satisfaction
30 000 €
development to staff
Got a promotion
our purpose
our purpose
First porpose
We work with people and for people
Second porpose
More options for everyone
Third porpose
Stable contribution to the state economy
Mission and values
Mission and values
We contribute to the growth of the success of our partners, the effective raising of their business to a new qualitative level, ensuring stable and mutually beneficial cooperation, combined with the highest level of service.
We offer
We offer
High pay for our employees
Medical and pension insurance
Training and professional development programs
Rest and recreation on preferential terms
current vacancies
current vacancies
We will be glad to see you in our team
We will be glad to see you in our team
Join the team